- Product Technical Manager is accountable for the deliverables of R&D due to ensure the success of the project.
- He/She is responsible for the detailed scheduling and budgeting of R&D activities, with support of “métiers.”
- Product Technical leader is empowered by R&D Manager to manage his/her Contributors.
- プロダクトテクニカルマネージャーは、プロジェクトの成功を確実にするために、R&Dの成果物に責任を持ちます。
- R&Dマネージャーは、Metier のサポートを受けながら、R&D活動の詳細なスケジューリングと予算編成に責任を持ちます。
- プロダクトテクニカルマネージャーは、R&Dマネージャーからコントリビューターを管理する権限を与えられています。
Accountable for the deliverables:
● Apply the specific PDP of his/her PG/PL following CPM (CLEAN Project Management)
● In charge of the robust design in line with the economical targets
● Applies Standardization rules, exceptionally will request destandardizations based on sound justifications
● Call for all necessary design reviews
● Make sure that Design Reviews of other networks are happening in a timely manner (Purchase, Industrial)
● Represent the R&D function at the customer
● Interface with the customer for the R&D subjects of the project, break down and cascade internally
customer requests and needs
● Report and escalate to his project manager or R&D manager as needed
・CPM(CLEAN Project Management)に基づき、所属する PG/PL の特定の PDP を適用する。
・他のネットワークのデザインレビューがタイムリーに行われていることを確認する (購買、産業)
Responsible for the detailed scheduling and budgeting
● Contribute to the identification of the needs in terms of resources, equipments, investments
● Establish detail break down of the activities to meet the milestones
● Follow activities and spending of his scope to meet his allowed budget
Management of the contributors
● Daily management of all R&D contributors, dedicated or not
● Assign to them the work packages needed
● Regular review with his/her R&D manager or Product Manager and the Metier Department Managers to check alignment between needs and availabilities
・担当のR&Dマネージャーまたはプロダクトマネージャー、およびMetier Departmentマネージャーとの定期的なレビューにより、ニーズと可用性の整合性を確認する。