ジョブNo.584410 PJT-Program Manager(CDA)

  • 正社員
  • グローバル企業
  • 外資系企業


Ensure Program performance objectives (Quality, Cost, Profitability, Delivery, Timing) in the
management of complex Program or group of projects : big, strategic, with a huge stake ; Ensure
Program or System coordination to achieve all projects launch(es) in compliance with Valeo and
Customer expectations. In the case of driving many projects he/she is main customer interface for
his/her System/Program Project ; coach P1 Projects Managers

確実な プログラムまたはシステムの調整を行い、ヴァレオおよび

Manage operationally and functionally the Projects he/she is assigned to
- Manage important Projects portfolio (program) eg. high OI sales or complex involving many Customer plants, many Project
Teams led by different Project Managers
- Is responsible for the achievement of the Project portfolio KPI in terms of profitability (both product/development vs
Development Activity Payback and Extended Margin), Quality and Production Preparation
- Secure Project resources portfolio and arbitrate on resource allocation with the function support.
- Ensure involvement of P2 Project teams in case of P2 not completed in P1
- Solve all project issues requiring any type of support of all suitable functions via the Project Escalation
- Check and validate Project Managers and Team Members’ activities and proposes timing scenario to achieve milestones
- Could conduct concept competitions to obtain customer orders (prefer: on case by case...)
- Define and manage his/her budget including the budget of Projects part of his/her Program-System Project
- Define scope of the program
- Prepare decision making process for relevant committees and challenge his project team readiness
- Prepare and submit CAA and IAR (Program-System level) and challenge the P1 Project Managers of the Projects part of
his/her Program-System Project ; manage Program business extension as well
- Ensure all program changes are managed (internal and customer) and coordinated through Program / system projects
- Ensure the application of Design to Cost methodology
- Escalate at the right level and with relevant speed/anticipation the gaps versus targets
- Lead AAI and development of all PM’s reporting to Program-System development and all project team members if he has.
- Coach P1 Project Managers
- Contribute to Working Groups to improve PM methodology
- Can be Assessor of PMA
- Is functionally responsible of all PTMs, set project objectives, ensure appraisal of Project Team Members
Manage communication with Customers on Project development progress
- Keep customers updated on Project progress.
- Prepare/validate reports on Project development progress to PSC, PMC and to all Governance stages when required
- Manage customer relationship (local and central) and coordinate communication with all P2/P1 projects associated
- Ensure perfect management of crisis if any
Promote Valeo Values, Culture and Standards (Product, Methodology, Tools) within the System/Program Project
teams and control their application
- Respect Valeo Code of ethics
- Respect health, safety and environment charts and requirements
- Ensure Project (System-Program or not) development in compliance with CLEAN and other applicable Valeo standards

製品: 超音波センサ、ECU(センサーコントローラー)
Team :4名


コンサルタント 若林 哲洋


職種 エンジニア(電気・電子・機械)系/プロダクトマネジメント・プロジェクトマネジメント(電気・電子・機械)
年収 960万円~1200万円
勤務地 東京都
応募資格 - Engineering/Master degree
- Development Standards knowledge (V cycle)
- Personal skills to manage functional organization
- Valeo development methodology
- Financial skills on Development costs, Product costs and Manufacturing costs

- 工学/修士号
- 開発標準知識(Vサイクル)
- 機能別組織を管理するための個人的なスキル
- ヴァレオの開発方法論
- 開発コスト、製品コスト、製造コストに関する財務スキル

- Knowledge of Automotive development (5-7 years)
- Get successful development experience as OEM application Project Manager (10 years)

- 自動車開発の知識(5-7年)
- OEMアプリケーションのプロジェクトマネージャーとして開発成功の経験をお持ちの方(10年)
学歴 大卒以上
Engineering Degree
雇用形態 正社員(期間の定めなし)
勤務時間 フレックスタイム制:始業及び終業の時刻は労働者の決定に委ねる
[実働時間] 08時間00分
[残業時間] 20~30
年間休日 121日
財形貯蓄制度 借上社宅制度(組合員のみ、社内規定あり)


業種・資本 メーカー系(自動車・輸送機器(メーカー))

PJT-Program Manager(CDA)

  • エンジニア(電気・電子・機械)系/プロダクトマネジメント・プロジェクトマネジメント(電気・電子・機械)
  • 960万円~1200万円
  • 東京都