ジョブNo.708106 Commercial Analytics Team/Advanced Analyst/Data Scientist (担当課長・課長)

  • 正社員
  • 外資系企業
  • フレックスタイム
  • 語学が生かせる


Partner with Japan commercial business teams to identify, scope, and execute analytics efforts that answer business questions, solve business needs, and drive business value
· Maintain a broad understanding of the pharmaceutical business and be fully engaged with business teams, bringing an objective voice to the table, facilitating decisions grounded in data
· Collaborate with other analytics team members to review and provide feedback on the analytics being conducted, and be willing to seek feedback from other team members about your own work
· Stay current with respect to statistical/mathematical/informatics modeling methodology, to maintain proficiency in applying new and varied methods, and to be competent in justifying methods selected
· Collaborate with internal and external partners to design, develop and deploy enterprise-level analytics capabilities/solutions
· Enable cutting edge innovation in an area of data science such as machine learning, optimization, forecasting, or natural language processing
·Serve as a bridge between Global Advanced Analytics & Data Sciences Team and Japan to enable shared learnings around capability building, new methodologies, and analytics results


コンサルタント 成田 卓


職種 マーケティング系/市場調査・分析、マーケティング系/マーケティングアナリスト(データ分析・アクセス解析)、IT系/データサイエンティスト
年収 700万円~1200万円
勤務地 兵庫県、東京都
応募資格 • Deep and broad knowledge of statistical modeling and data mining methods and/or optimization methods
• Proficiency with relevant programming languages (such as R, Python, SQL, SAS, Java, C++, etc...)
• Agility and flexibility to work with very diverse problems and business partners in a fast paced multilingual & international environment
• Ability to work with diverse data sources and data types
• Self-management skills with a focus on results for timely and accurate completion of competing deliverables
学歴 M.S. or higher in Statistics, Econometrics, Operations Research, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or closely related field
雇用形態 正社員(期間の定めなし)
勤務時間 8:45~17:30


業種・資本 メーカー系(医薬品(メーカー))

Commercial Analytics Team/Advanced Analyst/Data Scientist (担当課長・課長)

  • マーケティング系/市場調査・分析、マーケティング系/マーケティングアナリスト(データ分析・アクセス解析)、IT系/データサイエンティスト
  • 700万円~1200万円
  • 兵庫県、東京都